"The very success of democracy depends upon the knowledge and skills of its citizens."
J. Madison
PSST IT's PROLOG is here.
Lord Acton wrote, “If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and surest emancipation.” You have been listening to “PSST it’s PROLOG” with Mr. Review. This liberating podcast is actively digging tons of earth to find an ounce of gold. Just in time.
It’s time to get schooled, but this time let’s keep it relevant. There are far too many lessons to be learned, and far too many that have been forgotten. No better place or time than to start today. And speaking of today, did you know…
Room 2B HIVE

Citizens pollinating our future with civic understanding.

Ideals of Democracy
Types of Democracy
Gov't Power/Rts
Art. of Confed.
Ratify Constit.
Principles of Gov't
Interpreting Fed.
Federalism Today

In My Shoes:
Role Playing American Government and Politics
Oprah said it succinctly, “Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” This is not new. Women’s Rights advocate, suffragette and poet Mary T. Lathrap wrote in 1895:
Just walk a mile in his moccasins
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse.
If just for one hour, you could find a way
To see through his eyes, instead of your own muse.
In each of our five (5) units of study in American Government and Politics you will be invited to connect with relevant players. To better understand government and politics, walk in the shoes of those who have and continue to shape our government and politics. The end result will not only improve our understanding; provide practice of essential skills; but also inspire and empower our own civic engagement. Welcome. Get ready to “take the time to walk a mile in [their] moccasins.”
'Toon In

1. What is the funny?
2. What are the benefits of
living in a "melting pot"?
3. Investigate what is written
on the base of our Statue
of liberty. Rewrite it in
your own words.
'Toon In

1. What is the funny?
2. What does it mean to be
a "pillar"? Explain why
why these pillars hold up
our democracy.
3. What is the status of these pillars? How can they
be srengthened?
In The News
The Many Dimensions of the Chief Justice's ...Term
by Linda Greenhouse
For once, the conventional wisdom was right: The Supreme Court term that ended last week was a triumph for Chief Justice John Roberts. But, as usual, the conventional wisdom skims the surface, focusing on the obvious: his steering of the court toward a center comfortably aligned with public opinion, and protecting it from an institutionally destructive alliance with a president who assumed the court would do his bidding.
Solving a Monumental Problem
by Eric Gibson
Late last month the National Trust for Historic Preservation issued a “Statement on Confederate Monuments.” The Trust’s mission is “to save America’s historic sites” and “tell the full American story.”
Not this time. Because “most Confederate monuments were intended to serve as a celebration of Lost Cause mythology and to advance the ideas of white supremacy,” the statement read, “the National Trust supports their removal from our public spaces ..."