"The very success of democracy depends upon the knowledge and skills of its citizens."
J. Madison
Contact the 2 Teachers
Andrew Conneen is a veteran Advanced Placement teacher, a contributor to the new Comparative Government curriculum, a political documentarian and a C-Span addict. He currently teaches at Adlai E. Stevenson High School, recently recognized as one of America’s most recognized schools by the Department of Education, in Lincolnshire, Illinois. He inspires his students to run for our nation’s highest office, the office of citizen.

Dan Larsen is a veteran Advanced Placement teacher, a consultant with the College Board, a published author but most importantly a devout political junkie. He taught for over 30 years at Adlai E. Stevenson High School, recently recognized as one of America’s most recognized schools by the Department of Education, in Lincolnshire, Illinois. He has retired in order to help citizens pollinate their future with civic understanding. Like John Adams before him, Larsen considers the end of study “to make you a good [person] and a useful citizen.”
"We're the 2 Teachers. No fancy words, no fancy suits. Plain talk about things you need to know...Just in time."

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