"The very success of democracy depends upon the knowledge and skills of its citizens."
J. Madison
Room 2B HIVE
Citizens pollinating our future with civic understanding.
Unit 4 - American Political Ideologies and Beliefs
American Attitudes
Changes in Ideology
Influence of Events
Measuring Opinion
Evaluating Polls
Ideology of Parties
Policy Making
Social Policy
Ideologies and
Economic Policy
In My Shoes:
Role Playing American Government and Politics
Oprah said it succinctly, “Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives.” This is not new. Women’s Rights advocate, suffragette and poet Mary T. Lathrap wrote in 1895:
Just walk a mile in his moccasins
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse.
If just for one hour, you could find a way
To see through his eyes, instead of your own muse.
In each of our five (5) units of study in American Government and Politics you will be invited to connect with relevant players. To better understand government and politics, walk in the shoes of those who have and continue to shape our government and politics. The end result will not only improve our understanding; provide practice of essential skills; but also inspire and empower our own civic engagement. Welcome. Get ready to “take the time to walk a mile in [their] moccasins.”
'Toon In
1. What is the funny?
2. How would a
Democrat look at this
cartoon?How would a
Republican look at this
3. Why has the environment
become a such a divisive
issue? What do you think?
'Toon In
1. What is the funny?
2. Is this reputation merited?
What can influencers
teach us about building
a positive brand?
3. Investigate 3-5 functions
of government done well.
In The News
Americans Learn More About Civics the Hard Way
by Jo Craven McGinty
There oughta be an easier way to teach American about civics.
In the past year, a fire hose of news - detailing the impeachment of the president, crackdowns on civil protests, attacks on journalists and a host of high-profile court cases - might have had the unexpected benefit of increasing Americans' knowledge of the U.S. Constitution.
Why We Fight So Ferociously Over the Supreme Court
by David French
If you want to know the roots of the country's present polarization over the Supreme Court, we have to go back. No, not to the contentious hearings of Brett Kavanaugh two years ago, nor to Sen. McConnell's decision to deny a hearing or confirmation vote to Merrick Garland, who was President Obama's 2016 pick to replace Justice Scalia. We must go even farther back than the drama of the Clarence Thomas hearing in 1991 or the attacks on Robert Bork's character in 1987...